Possession by spirits, ghosts, or demons is a prevalent belief across various cultures. This state of consciousness and related behaviors purportedly caused by possession by supernatural beings is typically defined as bizarre consciousness or behaviors associated with possession and can manifest themselves through strange, and often violent behavior that is vastly contrary to their known nature.
Mental illness can be an uncomfortable subject that warrants more discussion, as it can be an area of distress for someone suffering from mental illness and can even have dangerous repercussions if someone becomes possessive without seeking assistance.
People have long held the belief that spirits can possess people. This belief can be found across various religions and cultures, with some roots found within Judeo-Christian teachings while others can be traced back to pre-Christian, indigenous religious practices.
Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans believed some people were possessed by demons; this belief is also referenced in both Hebrew Bible and early Christian writings. Additionally, Islamic culture contains an idea known as jinn, or spirit kings which could enter human bodies and control them.
These entities may be both good and evil, with evil entities often tempting humans into sin. This belief can lead to moral decay and even violence against innocent bystanders.
Behavior from individuals themselves can have an effect on how spirits or demons act; this includes things such as family curses and wsins.
Jeanne des Anges' is perhaps the most well-known case of possession, having lived as a nun in Loudun during France's seventeenth century
She became afflicted with the spirit of Grandier, an outsider who had come into the convent and was known for his debauchery as both priest and ladies' man.
After she was free from possession, she wrote an excellent memoir detailing her experience. Her descriptions are incredibly detailed and riveting to read.
In her book, she details her interactions with spirits during possession and how they affected her, such as fighting negative aspects of Eros.
Her description of exorcisms was equally captivating and included some truly disturbing information; one time, she claimed a demon had instructed her to kill herself.
While possession has traditionally been associated with Satan, some exorcists, and psychiatrists have also suggested it could be more benign causes. Even psychiatrists and psychologists have acknowledged its existence.
Myths surrounding possession have sprung up throughout religions worldwide and popular culture alike, often emphasizing demons as sources of evil that can be banished with proper remedies, usually a ritual of exorcism.
Demons have long been believed to exist since ancient times, with their presence believed to harass, devastate and harm people. Many tribal societies hold these beliefs to form the basis for various exorcism rituals.
Jesus taught in the Bible that demons were real entities that caused physical illness and even death and could be cast out with just a spoken command. He further detailed their expulsion using prayer.
But many still find it hard to believe that demonic possession exists; even some of the most respected exorcists expressed doubt in their ability to assist those possessed by Satan.
One priest stated he had seen demons "pull in" people suffering from familial curses--that is, bad habits passed down from generation to generation--and throw them into fire or water to try and destroy them.
Some cases have been documented. These cases include one involving a boy being thrown into a fire and another wherein an evil spirit was making him behave in an unpredictable fashion.
Demonic entities have many ways of taking hold of people and each method has unique effects. A demonic spirit may cause one's mind or senses to malfunction, making thinking or seeing clearly impossible.
Demons can have an immense effect on people by making them seem crazy. Usually, this manifests itself through swearing and engaging in other inappropriate behavior or using offensive language.
Demons can have an adverse impact on an individual by instilling fear and confusion into them, which can result in panic attacks or symptoms of psychiatric disorders.
Myths surrounding possession can be numerous and it can be hard to know which are true and which are false. Luckily, there are experts on demonic possession who can help us decipher between fact and fiction.
People in many parts of the world believe they may be under attack from evil spirits, with some even going as far as to attempt exorcism of these entities.
Demons have long been the source of fear in religious cultures and society at large, along with being associated with numerous myths regarding possession and bodily/mental abuse. Alongside these accounts of possession, there have also been documented cases throughout history.
The Bible contains accounts of people becoming possessed by demons. Some stories appear in the New Testament while others can be found elsewhere; perhaps the best-known account is of "Man with Legion", who became infested with multiple demons.
Biblical accounts describe how being possessed by demons can cause strange, unpredictable behavior - including speaking in tongues or other languages that would not otherwise be known by the person being possessed. Other forms of manifestations can be levitation, bodily contortions that defy the limits of the human body, and large swarms of carrion bugs such as flies, beetles, and roaches.
Sometimes these problems can be traced to more severe mental illnesses; those living with serious psychiatric illnesses have an increased risk of engaging in acts of violence or criminality.
Therefore, those seeking treatment for mental health conditions must undergo a proper evaluation to ascertain their condition. Psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists are trained to recognize signs of mental illness. Though certified practitioners of these fields may not acknowledge the existence of demons and spirits, their aid can be of significance when it comes to treating mental disorders that might make one HIGHLY susceptible to possessions, thereby minimizing the risks.
Mental illness aside, other issues that could cause someone to appear possessed include epilepsy, substance abuse and head injuries. Though these symptoms do not constitute possession themselves, they may make someone seem like they are.
Mental Health
The belief in possession can be found in both highly industrialized countries as well as less developed ones and has resulted in various practices involving the supernatural. Psychologists must understand this history so as to provide appropriate services to clients who believe they possessed it.
Though some cases of possession can be explained away as psychological disorders, a review of the literature reveals no conclusive evidence for demonic influence over mental health and that exorcisms offer limited therapeutic value (Pietkiewicz et al., in print).
Studies have explored the experiences of individuals who believe they are possessed, in terms of their behaviors, coping strategies, and psychological problems. This includes individuals suffering from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder depression, or anxiety.
Studies of mental disorders revealed that some individuals experiencing them often displayed unusual behaviors, auditory and kinesthetic hallucinations, as well as the ability to move objects by touch or even levitation - more frequently seen among those diagnosed with schizophrenia than with other mental conditions.
Religion and coping techniques used by individuals to deal with these difficulties are of great help in understanding the relationship between human minds and spirits. Psychologists must consider cultural values and prevailing attitudes when diagnosing mental illnesses.
One way of tackling this problem is to decrease stigma within the mental health industry and raise awareness about effective psychiatric treatments, which will in turn decrease current stigma around mental illness and enhance treatment outcomes.
Stigma can be an insurmountable barrier to effective and accessible mental health care for many with serious mental illnesses, destroying trust in treatments that might prove effective and undermining hopes necessary for recovery.
In the end, the concept of demonic possession has become something of a controversial subject across many ideologies and beliefs. One question that remains after careful study and thought…
With all the cases of possession, how many of them are REAL?
I only ask this question because of my study and experiences in the field. We are taught that DEMONS are angels that were cast out of heaven. And that the soul of humanity has become the focal point in spiritual warfare. So why would a demon, especially a high ranking one as we see in many cases of possessions, take the time to possess a person who has no influence over thworld or its affairs? Why possess a person out in a country that is sparsely populated? It seems to be a more tactical move if demons utilized other avenues, such as TV, cults, politics, laws, and yes, even social media platforms ti manipulate MASSES of people to FREELY submit to their agenda and endgame. This is not to say that possessions are not real, I only question ones ability to recognize a true possession from OPPRESSION or ATTACHMENTS, both of which can be just as problematic.
Possession must be understood in order to properly identify and exorcise in order to combat this silent warfare. Media and Hollywood has sensationalized possessions to the point that even if ine was to be possessed, it would most likely be ignored, or mistreated, resulting in a worsening situation, or even death. The same needs to be said for mental health.